Hi, can anyone point me in the direction of somewhere that I can find general information on WereCats? I’ve just gotten one, but unfortunately don’t have the initial information on them. 😟 (My fault as I was dealing with something and didn’t save the information like I normally do; I’d thought I had.) I’ve tried searching but haven’t been able to find much and I’m new with them. 😟
Any help is very greatly appreciated!
Thanks both so much for your responses, and apologies for the late reply. Life got in the way a bit. :(
I appreciate everyone here so much! :)
I'll tell you what little I know about mine and hope it helps. They communicate by emotions, visions, telepathy, dreams & pendulum. I've left her catnip & a cat toy on my alter oversight with her vessel next to them. In the morning l bring the catnip outside into nature (like I do with all perishables) and put the cat toy under my bed, I keep it there for her. She became very close very fast. The first night she got here, she curled up by my husbands feet and he feels her there all the time. Kelly
When working with our entities it’s always best to get info from us, especially with werecats as there are so different kinds.
A standard werecat works as a familiar. They bless their keeper with enhanced senses, reflexes, allure, wit, and charisma.